Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Not Soon At All

So, I obviously didn't get around to finishing the modesty posts "soon", and after re-reading them, I can't think of another post's worth of things to say about modesty. Blogging fell to the side in favor of getting married, being married(!), moving to Oklahoma City, and being in nursing school!

However, I'm in desperate need of a study break, and I've been wanting to get back into blogging for some time now. I've been tremendously blessed by the encouraging comments that have come in over the past year and a half regarding the modesty series. They've inspired me to give this blog another try!

I'm way too tired to write a coherent, "year in review" post, so for tonight, I'll just share a cool way that God ministered to me through music...
Over Christmas break, I came across a worship song that I first heard when PJ was about to leave for Africa (Center--the version I have is by Charlie Hall). A few lines in that song really spoke to me when I was scared to death about PJ going to Namibia, and they still continue to minister to me today as we look towards a life of service in foreign missions.

We lift our eyes to Heaven
We wrap our lives around Your life
Oh Christ, be the center of our lives
Be the place we fix our eyes

Through these words, I was reminded of the precious call that God has placed on our lives--to glorify Him and to bring the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth. These words helped me to send PJ to Namibia with a heart full of joy, knowing that his trip was part of the way that we wrap our lives around Christ. They remind me to keep Christ at the center of this stressful time in nursing school. And finally, they encourage me to lift my eyes to Heaven and trust that God will provide the perfect time and place for us to fulfill the call He has placed upon our lives to leave home and follow Him.

I was so excited to find this song again! I think it's awesome...go download it and be blessed! :-)

Because He lives,